We might not be quite finished yet, but our fully customised 90,000 sq ft facility is nearing completion. The picture above shows the reception area, with some of the factory building beyond. This is only half of the front elevation, which gives you some idea of the scale of our new premises.
We have now completed enough to show you around, and give you a preview of what is to become a cathedral in colour…
On your left…
As you enter the buiding, there is a door to your left taking you through to our stunning colour matching and meeting suite. This room will be jam packed with examples of the latest in colour technology. It is here where we will be able to demonstrate what we can achieve, as well as provide inspiration for your next range of products.
Not only this but it will include facilities where you can carry on with your days work in peace, or simply relax while colour matches are taking place.
Brand new open plan offices
Our new open plan office arrangement will make inter-departmental communications more efficient. This means that our overall process can be streamlined meaning tighter leadtimes and even better service to you.
Back to the Grind Stone
This is where our state-of-the-art Grinding facility will be located – next to the masterbatch factory. This shot shows one half of the floorspace which again, should give you an idea of the scale of the building. To the left of the concrete pillars in the far left of the picture, is roughly the same area again where finished products and raw materials will be stored.
Where the magic Happens
The picture above shows roughly 2/3 of the floorspace for the new masterbatch factory. Our machines, consisting of the latest in twin-screw extrusion technology, will be located roughly where the raised scissor lift is. As you can see, there will be plenty of room for more lines as the company expands. The rest of the space will be given over to raw material and finished product storage.
The room-like structure in the far corner is our new weighing area, mixing room and pigment store. Our QC and colour matching laboratory is also located in this area of the building. Keeping all of the departments, involved in manufacture, together like this minimises the risk of cross contamination. This means that the quality of our products will be better than ever before.
Find out more
To see for yourself how Broadway Colours can help in more ways than ever before, visit us at Interplas 2014. This will be held between the 30th September and the 2nd October. We’ll be there on stand B12 (Our largest stand to date) displaying the latest in what the colouring plastics industry has to offer.
See you there…