With 2014 looming on the horizon, now is a great time to reflect on 2013… Gone quickly hasn’t it?
It has been a fantastic year for all at Broadway Colours, what with the success of the Rotational Moulding Powder side of the business as well as several brand-new, innovative masterbatch ranges being received with great enthusiasm. Nick Barber, our Operations Director, says: “2013 has been a very encouraging year for Broadway. The Rotational Moulding Powders site has proved its worth with good, strong growth since the launch in 2012. We’ve expanded our stocked range of colours to meet demand and received many custom colour enquiries. We attended two trade shows, which allowed us to really push all aspects of the business and by doing so we managed to forge many new relationships, as well as improving existing ones. This was helped by the numerous new masterbatch colour ranges, launched at both shows. We have many more projects in the pipeline for 2014, and we look forward to sharing them with you all.”
Our state of the art laboratory is working as hard as ever with matches booked well into January. At Broadway we are constantly working to ensure the highest levels of customer service and support from the initial enquiry through to final delivery and at a competitive price. Chris Gramlick, our Sales Manager said, “We have received a good number of enquiries this year, for masterbatch and roto powders. We have a great team here at Broadway, all of whom go the extra mile for our customers, which is why our customer service is second to none. It’s been a great year and I thank all our loyal customers for their continued support.”
Our Universal Range, with 199 stocked colours, has proved to be as popular as ever. Matthew Hennessey, our Sales Representative said, “It’s been another good year for Universals and it’s brilliant to see them being used in even more fantastic products. I get a real sense of pride walking around shops and showrooms, knowing that our colours are used in hundreds of everyday items. I can’t wait to see what 2014 brings.”
So to round up the year, Nick Barber would like to say a few words: “I would like to thank all staff at Broadway Colours for their efforts this year. I would also like to thank our Customers for their highly valued custom. Last, but not least I would like to personally wish everybody a Happy Christmas, and a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.”