GrapheneXcel masterbatch samples

Broadway is proud to introduce GrapheneXcel, a new range of graphene-enhanced masterbatches. This launch is the result of strategic partnerships with leading graphene suppliers. It enables the ISO-certified, UK masterbatch specialist to bring the numerous advantages of graphene to a diverse customer base within plastic manufacturing.

GrapheneXcel leverages the unique properties of graphene to improve the performance of polymers used across many industries, including automotive, defence, packaging, and consumer goods. The benefits include significant improvements in strength and durability, as well as improved barrier properties and the opportunity for product lightweighting.

GrapheneXcel is a made to order additive masterbatch, with formulations customised to meet individual customer requirements. Thanks to polymer-specific carrier systems, GrapheneXcel offers compatibility with a range of polymers including polyolefins and PET.

What is graphene?

Graphene was discovered just 20 years ago at the University of Manchester. This remarkable material has rapidly gained attention for its extraordinary properties. Like diamond and graphite, graphene is composed entirely of carbon. However, uniquely, it consists of just a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb nanostructure. This arrangement includes numerous double bonds, contributing to its exceptional characteristics.

Graphene’s atomic structure gives it unparalleled strength – as a single layer it’s the strongest material ever measured, boasting a tensile strength 200 times greater than that of steel. This offers immense potential to a range of industries, including plastic manufacturing.

What are the benefits of use in plastics?

Broadway now brings the remarkable benefits of graphene into plastic manufacturing, via GrapheneXcel – their new range of graphene-enhanced masterbatches. Even at low addition rates, the incorporation of graphene into plastics can dramatically enhance the performance of the material, providing improved strength, durability and versatility.

Different forms of graphene offer different qualities. Thanks to partnerships with leading suppliers, Broadway is able to provide cost-efficient, customised variations of GrapheneXcel – tailored to deliver the specific advantages each customer requires. Here’s a summary of the key benefits:

  • Improved mechanical strength and impact resistance
    GrapheneXcel significantly increases the tensile strength of plastics, making moulded components much stronger and more durable. This is especially important in applications where durability and safety are paramount, such as in automotive parts and protective packaging. Typically, in polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) applications, the addition of graphene at a loading of just 0.2% – 0.5% can result in a 10% – 20% improvement in impact resistance and tensile strength.
  • Increased elastic modulus
    GrapheneXcel enhances the elastic modulus of plastics, making them stiffer and more rigid. This improvement allows for better performance under mechanical stress and is ideal for structural applications.
  • Weight reductions (through thin-walling)
    Despite its strength, graphene is lightweight. The inclusion of GrapheneXcel allows manufacturers to reduce the wall thickness of plastic components while maintaining or even increasing their strength. Lightweighting can be highly advantageous in packaging and automotive components, where weight reductions can lead to cost savings, tax reductions, improved efficiency and increased range in the case of EV’s.
  • Impressive barrier properties
    The tight, hexagonal lattice structure of graphene is impermeable to gases and liquids, making it an excellent barrier material. GrapheneXcel can bring this property to packaging, where the prevention of gas exchange and reduction of UV light penetration is crucial for extending the shelf life of perishable goods.
  • Favourable processing conditions
    The addition of GrapheneXcel can improve the flow properties of plastics during processing, leading to more efficient manufacturing processes and improved consistency in mouldings. Reduced cycle times have been achieved, delivering productivity improvements, alongside reductions in energy demand and carbon emissions.
  • Improved fire retardancy
    GrapheneXcel can enhance the fire retardancy of plastics, making them safer for use in various applications, including construction and electronics.

With which polymers is GrapheneXcel compatible?

As with colours, Broadway will formulate customised variations of GrapheneXcel. Supplied as an additive masterbatch, various carrier resins can be used to ensure optimum compatibility with the customer’s moulding material. Broadway provides polymer specific masterbatches for use in HDPE, LDPE, PPCO, PPHO, PET, PBT, GPPS, HIPS, ABS, PA66, PA6, SAN, PETG, TPE and TPU. The type of graphene and the loading can also be adjusted to suit specific manufacturing conditions and end use requirements.

GrapheneXcel PET bottles

Can GrapheneXcel be used in recycled plastics and bioplastics?

Yes, it can. Bio-based and recycled polymers often suffer from reduced mechanical strength, so the addition of GrapheneXcel can counteract this. This is increasingly relevant, with PCR and bioplastics being more widely used in packaging and single use applications.

What impact does it have on colour?

When GrapheneXcel is used in its uncoloured form, it imparts an appealing, metallic grey finish to moulded components. This distinctive finish comes from the inherent colour of the graphene. This grey tint does limit the range of colours that can be achieved in the end component. Broadway’s expertise in colour formulation allows them to mitigate the impact of graphene on colour to some extent. When using modest loadings of graphene, Broadway is still able to achieve a variety of colours in the final product.

GrapheneXcel plaque

GrapheneXcel coloured plaques

Costs, samples and technical support

GrapheneXcel is surprisingly cost effective. The low addition rates help to make GrapheneXcel a commercially appealing option. Broadway’s customers have nothing to lose in requesting a free material sample to trial. Broadway’s value extends far beyond supplying high-quality materials. From their Suffolk-based manufacturing facility, they promise security of supply, attentive customer service, and expert technical support. Their in-house testing capabilities enable thorough analysis of GrapheneXcel’s impact on moulded samples, allowing customers detailed insights into the material’s benefit.

Technical Director Dr Stephen Rayner said:
“Broadway is proud to launch this new range of graphene enhanced masterbatches (GEM). Our GEMs unlock a new era of enhanced materials, allowing our customers the possibility of new and improved applications. The breakthrough combination of strength, conductivity, and versatility will redefine what is possible for our customers. Broadway continues to strive towards and support a future where performance meets sustainability.”

To learn more about GrapheneXcel, or other additive masterbatches from Broadway’s+ performance range, call 01986 875 100 or email